Would you like to help us preserve a part of our history and contribute to heritage and culture in Norfolk County?
Become a member of La Salette Area Rural Roots!
Your membership allows you to vote on issues brought forth at meetings, take part in electing the Executive, and you will also receive the monthly newsletter to keep you up to date on all events.
Perhaps most importantly, as a paid member, you are also part owner of these magnificent buildings which are an essential part of the history of La Salette and Norfolk County.
Membership is only $20 and runs from January to December 2022.
Memberships may be purchased by e-transfer using the email address lasalette2009@gmail.com or by sending a cheque along with your mailing and email addresses to Bill Byer, 157 La Salette Road, La Salette, ON, N0E 1H0. Cheques should be made out to La Salette Area Rural Roots. You can also buy a membership by heading over to our Donate page and entering your intent to purchase a membership in the comments field in the PayPal donation form.